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Azure Arc and Windows Admin Center

Last updated on 9. October 2022

Now we are enabling the Windows Admin Center to manage our Arc enabled Windows servers.

  1. Inside Azure Arc select one server and choose “Windows Admin Center (preview)”. Now you see a “Set up” button in the middle.

2. A side box opens on the right. You can choose a custom port if you want. I will stick with the default and click on “Install”.

It will take some time to finish the installation. If you head to the server overview you will see a warning message telling us to set the correct permission to be able to use the Windows Admin Center.

3. In this example I give my current user the “Windows Admin Center Administrator Login” role on my lab server. To do this head to “Access Control (IAM)”, click on “Add” and “Add role assignment”.

4. Search for “Windows Admin Center Administrator Login” and select the correct user or group.

5. When the permission was applied the warning message should vanish and you should be able to “Connect”

6. Congratulations! You can use the Windows Admin Center. The first screen shows an insight on the performance through the performance counter.

For further information about Azure Arc check out my former posts and leave a comment ๐Ÿ™‚
“First Steps with Azure Arc” : process of adding a server into Azure Arc
“Azure Arc, Monitoring and Insights”: enabling Insights to get the Azure Monitoring Agent on the machine to collect health data

Published inAzureHybridCloud

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