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Azure Arc, Monitoring and Insights

Last updated on 9. October 2022

In my first post “First Steps with Azure Arc” I went through the configuration to add one server. Now it’s time to check out the available features:

First of all we need an overview of the performance. Like every Azure service we need to implement one of the monitoring agents. Be aware that the legacy Log Analytics Agent (Microsoft Monitoring Agent) is deprecated and will not be available after August 2024. With this in mind we will focus on the new Azure Monitoring Agent.

1. Start with navigating to “Insights” and click the button “Enable”!

2. As already mentioned we will focus only on “Azure Monitor agent”. The other one is deprecated and should not be chosen. If you have no existing “Data collection rule”, the dialog will guide you to create a new one:

3. Name the rule and check the checkbox to get insights to processes and dependencies! Make sure to use the correct Log Analytics Workspace. Not every feature is available in every region. Please read the following Microsoft Docs article “Supported regions for linked Log Analytics workspace” for more information.

4. When the process is completed you can see the log agent installed on the machine. Check the “Extensions” item!

5. DONE! You can switch to “Insights” and check out the performance of your machine.

Published inAzureHybridCloud

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